If you’re a maths teacher and you decide to go into nursing, can you be able to cope up without having the adequate skills or desire to deal with doctors, patients, families and other healthcare people on a daily basis?
If you join any job looking at your immediate job needs, lucrative pays, positions, and demand, you may down-perform, get stressed, finally dissatisfaction leads you to think about career change.
It would never happen to waste your time and money when you assess yourself to understand your capabilities and core skills and join a job accordingly. You’ve got to be aware they exist up-front,especially before you spend time and money re-educating yourself.
So the success mantra to a successful career is “Match your core skills to occupational responsibilities”
A mentor can be a guide to you especially when you are on unknown paths. In today’s competitive landscape a mentor can give you an edge that leads you through a successful career path.
You may be ready to make a career or advance in your present career but something is holding you back. A mentor can help you to concur your career shortfalls through his/her knowledge, insight, support,and guidance.
Mock interviews enable candidates to have a fair idea about the sort of things they are going to experience at actual interviews, and prepare them how accurately they can deal with it. In the process the candidates gain their confidence by having the knowledge about their strengths and shortcomings.
The main оbjесtіvе оf this аwаrеnеѕѕ рrоgrаm іѕ tо еnhаnсе productive job аѕріrаntѕ’ skills and self-confidence fоr them to undеrѕtаnd thеіr еxресtеd real tіmе job rоlеѕ аnd rеѕроnѕіbіlіtу in thе work еnvіrоnmеnt.
Real time job roles and responsibility exercises in which participants test their newfound knowledge and skills under guidance of real-time experts. Also helps in developing good work habits that facilitate their ongoing success. Workshops typically include lectures, discussions and role-playing exercises.